FLORIDA – Expected to become a Majority-Minority State in 2025!

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FLORIDA – Expected to become a Majority-Minority State in 2025!

By David Triana

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (15 September to 15 October), it is important for us to take the time to support related activities in our “not yet so Hispanic” region of La Florida!  As we do each year, Conexion Media Group will lead, support and/or sponsor related activities throughout the region.  Keep an eye out for those activities via our social media pages and website!

This year, the theme is “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together” and there is no doubt that throughout the history of our nation, Hispanics, whether U.S. born or immigrants, have left an indelible mark in our nation’s history.  Pioneers like Dr. Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa (AKA Dr. Q), a world renowned Mexican-American neurosurgeon, author and researcher.  Dr. Q leads a National Institutes of Health funded research laboratory to cure brain cancer. 

Luis von Ahn is another example of Hispanics “Shaping the Future” of our nation.  He was born and raised in Guatemala City, Guatemala and is known as a one of the pioneers of crowdsourcing.  In 2009, Luis and his graduate student, Severin Hacker, began to develop Duolingo, the language education platform.  In 2023, Duolingo had revenue of $531 million!

I recently read a report produced by Sachs Media titled “The Growing Influence of Florida’s Hispanic Population.”

According to recently released estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, Hispanics of any race grew to just over 65 million, an increase of 1.16 million (1.8%) between 2022 and 2023.  This equates to 71% of the overall growth of the nation’s total population!  Florida is #3 in the nation with 6.1 million Hispanics.

As the Sachs Media report mentions, in Florida, Hispanics are one of the fastest growing demographics. 

It is estimated that perhaps as early as 2025, primarily fueled by the growth of the Hispanic population, Florida will transition to a majority-minority state!  In other words, residents of Florida who identify as “Non-Hispanic whites” will make up less than half of the state’s population.

As the report states, “Hispanics have become a significant force shaping the cultural, economic, and political contours of the Sunshine State.”

Economically, as it is nationally with a spending power of $1.7 TRILLION, Hispanics in Florida play critical roles in construction, agriculture, and health care and Hispanics owned businesses continue to grow at a rapid pace.

Politically, they are a sought after constituency that continue to influence election outcomes and shaping policy discussions more and more. 

Another factor that will ensure that Hispanics continue to have a huge impact in the future of Florida is that 44% of its Hispanic population is under age 30!

I close with a very personal opinion as it relates our beautiful state.  I find it very ironic, and almost tragic, that our current Governor and his followers in the Legislature, continue to “proudly” target programs on diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Why do I say that?  Because as the report mentions in one of its Key Takeaways:  “Florida business and government leaders must be ready soon for a future where a diverse plurality of minorities will be the majority.”

Shaping the future TOGETHER!  We are a multicultural and diverse state and nation, why not work together now in ensuring that the future FOR ALL, regardless of race, ethnicity, or creed is the best it can be?

Where would we be if diversity, equity and inclusion programs were not taken seriously in our nation?  It has not been that long since racial discrimination, lynchings and other dastardly acts upon human beings that looked or sounded differently were “ok” for many in our nation!

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month to all my hermanos y hermanas and may God continue to bless our multicultural and diverse Emerald Coast region, our State and our Nation!

NOTE:  To get a copy of the report mentioned above, go to:  https://sachsmedia.com/the-changing-face-of-florida/