Finding Your Purpose

peggy brockman

Table of Contents

  • 3:7 min

Finding Your Purpose

By Peggy Brockman

 HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Successful leaders know their purpose.  You must first know your personal purpose and then make sure your business purpose is in alignment with that.  It is also important that when you are leading others, you help them discover and understand their purpose.  Once they share that with you, you can make sure that everything you ask them to do falls in alignment with that purpose.  Ex:  If you are always asking them to stay late and work overtime and their purpose is to spend the most time possible with their children/family, they will not be happy and will leave you to find a job that does fulfill their true purpose.  If their purpose is to make a difference in the lives of others, you must help them see how their job does that so you have their buy-in.

As I said last month….YOUR PURPOSE IS YOUR WHY.  People are able to endure almost any “what” or “who” challenges when they have a solid understanding and ownership of their “why” or “purpose”.  When you know your purpose, it becomes the fuel that propels your life.  PURPOSE FUELS PASSION, POWER, PRIORITIES AND PERSEVERANCE.  Your Purpose is fundamental to creating new thought patterns, overcoming self-limiting beliefs and replacing destructive habits with habits that support you becoming the best possible version of YOU – physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and intellectually.

What makes you laugh, sing, and cry? Passions are key to finding a sense of your Life Purpose. Passion is a great energizer. It provides energy for you to fulfill your dreams. It gets you excited about your life purpose and inspires confidence.  Think about what you will BE, DO, and HAVE when your life or business is just the way you pictured it.

Where you put your most attention to is what is creating the results you are having in your life.  List 10 things you are passionate about and circle your top five passions.  How much attention do you pay to those five passions? John Maxwell says “Passion makes the impossible possible”.


  1. Realize that YOU create your purpose
  2. Get a clear picture of what gives you a sense of purpose – Remember:

Clarity = clear results and blurry desires = blurry results.

  1. Write out your purpose

To program your mind for success – write an affirmation to support your life purpose. When writing an affirmation, ask yourself these questions:

Is it a positive statement?

Is it stated in the present tense?  (I am statements)

Does it use few words? (You don’t want to get too lengthy)

Are you repeating your affirmations daily?  (This helps the mind to adopt the belief)

Now turn your LIFE affirmation into a question beginning with:   What is it about me that will make me successful in/at…(whatever your affirmation is).  Then write all the reasons that is to be true.  Then repeat this with your BUSINESS.

NEXT MONTH:  Now that you understand and have your purpose figured out, we will learn how to use that to create your vision and goals.  YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PURPOSE FIRST OR YOUR GOALS ARE MEANINGLESS.

**Peggy is the author of “10 Feet from the Edge: Stuck in the Comfort Zone” available on Amazon.  Peggy is a John Maxwell Team motivational speaker, corporate trainer and life and business coach and an expert in Personality and Interaction Styles.  She was selected as one of the 2015 Top 10 Business Women in America by the American Business Women’s Association.  Her website –