Loco for Love Virtual Festival: A Technical and Theatrical Success
By Mia Jackson “You took me back to my childhood today.” Though the Zoom participant’s video was turned off, the other attendees could feel her keen mixture of nostalgia and admiration as she shared fond memories of her grandparents. Just…
HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
April, Abril. Already? Ya? Si, Ya, Already. Wow and Woah. Three months of the year have gone by, in a blink verdad? So, what has happened, have we caught up yet? Do BB un favorcito Beautifuls. Sit Down. Breathe. DEEP…
Tomemos Posesión de la Tierra
Por: Nelsi Rossi https://sanidadespiritual.com/ La tierra a la cuál pasáis para tomarla es tierra de montes y de vegas, que bebe las aguas de la lluvia del cielo; (Deuteronomio 11:11) Definamos: ¿Qué es un Monte? Es una gran elevación natural…
Temple Grandin
“There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child CAN DO instead of what he cannot do.”Dr. Temple Grandin, https://www.templegrandin.com/
The life we live after death
The life we live after death By Sheryl Boldt When we invest our time and skills at our jobs, we expect fair wages at the end of the pay period. What about the hours and energy we invest in our…
Theater with a Mission’s Virtual Loco for Love Festival Promises Interactive Experiences, Entertainment, and Excitement
Theater with a Mission’s Virtual Loco for Love Festival Promises Interactive Experiences, Entertainment, and Excitement By Mia Jackson The Loco for Love Virtual Preview opened with the melodious sounds of laughter and Spanish guitar. Clips of lively groups of people…
Sheryl Sandberg
“We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored."Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook