Would you be labeled a chronic complainer?
By Sheryl Boldt Are you a complainer? A sure-fire way to find out is to ask your spouse or a co-worker. If you dare, ask your boss. I’m confident if I listened to myself most days, I’d quickly annoy myself.…
Por Nelsi Rossi https://sanidadespiritual.com/ Todos los términos de la tierra se acordarán y se volverán al SEÑOR, y todas las familias de las naciones adorarán delante de ti. (Salmos 22:27) LBLA Existe un alto índice de matrimonios separados y divorciados hoy…
Antonia Novello
“Creo que la fortaleza es clave. Más que nada, sé consistente. Adelante. Adelante. Adelante. Cuando tengas éxito, no olvides la responsabilidad de hacer que alguien más tenga éxito contigo”. “I believe that fortitude is key. More than anything, be consistent.…
Pa’ luego es tarde
By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! This almost didn’t get published, didn’t make it to the editor. It barely missed going to print because BB forgot to press send. That, after the initial corre corre, had Babushka thinking in circles. Ok…
When someone we love has cancer
When someone we love has cancer By Sheryl Boldt Years ago, my mother made plans to visit. The week before she was due to arrive, she phoned to say she wasn’t able to make the trip. She was experiencing a…
Por Nelsi Rossi https://sanidadespiritual.com/ El Señor no retarda su promesa, según algunos la tienen por tardanza, sino que es paciente para con nosotros, no queriendo que ninguno perezca, sino que todos procedan al arrepentimiento. 2 Pedro 3:9 Unamos nuestros esfuerzos…
PRESSING STYLE: Why style matters in Architecture?
By Deborah DeSilets On June 30, 1997, Morris Lapidus Called me. He had just received A follow-up letter from Kevin Alter about the Fall Lecture Series entitled, "pressing Style". Mr. Lapidus suggested that I come over to his house so…