Do you know what values you want to preserve from your culture?

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  • 1:54 min

By Pamela Di Pascuale, Entrepreneur Advisor | [email protected]

This pandemic situation has pushed us to change the customary ways of thinking, existing and relating with others.  We have to adapt to a new reality, a new way of living with ourselves and with our social and work environment. All these changes invite us to reconnect with our roots, our values, our customs, our habits and above all to value them to enjoy a lifestyle that provides us with greater well-being.

The Hispanic community in the US is not only changing rapidly in numbers but also in how it defines itself. Today Hispanics are well established in the American infrastructure and are very active in politics. Hispanics have evolved and no longer see themselves solely as members of a group. There are many differences in the Hispanic community in their aspirations, behavior, and consumption habits. This behavior has been shaped by lived experiences.

The influence of Hispanics in the United States is changing American culture. New immigrants do not come to this country with the same thought of leaving everything behind and starting over, many continue their dreams, their ideas to adapt and integrate them into American culture. The Hispanic influence is changing the tastes of America, as we can see with: gastronomy, entertainment, music, sports, among others.

We are living in times that call us to get the best of ourselves. To strengthen the integration of cultures, joining forces, bringing out our gifts and talents, showing them to the world. Bet on the creative potential that we have, create spaces to interact, whether virtual or face-to-face, form new alliances among Hispanics, develop new ways of doing business, give way to the new generation that comes with an immense technological knowledge. When we work together for the collective well-being, the best of us is enhanced.

In some way we all belong to an organization, a community, a group, a family. The culture is not outside, we are the culture. And I ask: What are the values ​​that make up that culture? What do you want to keep from your culture? How aware are we or are we not of who you are transforming yourself? What are you choosing? What possibilities are open?

Happy Hispanic Community Month!!!
