THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Issues and Actions

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  • 2:28 min

THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY:  Issues and Actions

By Alan Pacek

ALAN PACEKIt’s been well over 50 years since average American citizens took to the streets to protest against the actions of our government.  In the 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King, Jr. united Americans of all races against discriminatory practices which kept black, Hispanic, and Native American Indians at a disadvantage.  Others protested against USA involvement in the Vietnam War with rallies, protests, songs and music festivals like Woodstock.

People today, like so many protesters from the 1960s, are participating in vocal and symbolic opposition to ideas being enacted by the Trump administration.  This opposition is worldwide and growing; and is active right here in Okaloosa County.

So, when a purported “outsider” won the Republican nomination for President with promises to drain the swamp to fix things, as Democrats we can understand why Trump was elected.  Sadly, the new President’s actions are more intent on taking apart the federal government, while helping the rich become even more powerful, than taxing action to help average citizens.

Because Trump refuses to release his tax return, which would shed much light on many of his suspected and actual conflicts of interest, local Democrats and Progressives led The Tax Day Rally to demand to see Trump’s tax returns.

 width=Venezuela Support – when notified of a local protest denouncing President Maduro for eroding democracy and plunging the oil rich nation into chaos, local Democrats proudly joined in solidarity!  With Trump’s insistence to build a wall, his increase deportations and harsh words against immigrants, the media, judges, and any who opposes his will, these are the reasons that women are marching with their children in protest across America.  Moreover, the praise that Trump bestows upon dictators, long known for violating or stifling Human Rights of their own citizens, is appalling.

The March for Science in celebration of Earth Day was organized by a local high school science teacher, in reaction to changes in our Federal Government.  The word climate change is no longer stated, funding is being cut across the board, and respected research is being stopped.

Chaos cannot replace Democracy in the USA.  Trump cannot ignore the majority of us, no matter that he ignores facts, tells lies, and has expectations more like an Oligarch than the President of the United States.  So, we Democrats are speaking out about issues, taking actions, protesting things we believe are grossly wrong – we are growing our base, Hispanics are joining our ranks and leadership, so if you are concerned please join us!

Saludos a nuestra comunidad Latina aquí en Ft Walton Beach y Okaloosa county. Hay mucho que nos afectan en los paises de donde venimos y aquí mismo en los Estados Unidos. Con un nuevo  Presidente que parece a no respetar a los inmigrantes especialmente de orígenes hispanos. Para luchar por nuestro pueblo necesitamos una sola voz, fuerte voz más unificado. Para ello debemos estar involucrados, aquí en América, para influir en este gobierno para protegernos y ayudar a nuestro pueblo fuera de estas fronteras en lugares como nuestra  Venezuela, donde hay una dictadura en la reina de Maduro. No aprendemos inglés para olvidarnos quien somos pero acordemos donde estamos y que futuro querremos para nuestras familias. Mi nombre es Steven Anthony Ruiz. Yo soy Soy un ciudadano americano nacido pero soy orgullosamente latinos de Cuba y Guatemala pendiente. Estoy con usted. Espero que estar conmigo, por favor, en la búsqueda de anuncios de eventos de registro de votante en este periódico y vamos a luchar juntos como uno. Como Ricky Martin cantó somos una “Raza de mil colores”.

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