Debt is Dumb, Cash is King

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  • 2:51 min

By Nancy Gaskins | NWFL Ramsey Babysteppers, Live Like No One Else

Live like no one else, so one day, you can live and give like no one else; a mantra that was coined by the famous, well-respected authority on personal finance.

Dave Ramsey.

We have 375 thousand households in Northwest Florida. Ninety-five percent are headed in the wrong direction financially speaking. Many of you reading this will think that statement doesn’t pertain to you, but guess what? It does.

You may have all the outward appearances of having it together financially; i.e. the income, retirement check, house, cars, toys, and stuff. You may be in financial trouble and not yet be aware. You may be broke, just at a higher level of stupidity than the rest of us!

It’s very likely you’re doing what everyone else is doing, following the crowd, which seems like the “normal” thing to do. Folks, you need to wake up sooner, rather than later because guess what? Normal is broke!

Keeping up with the Jones family, living paycheck to paycheck, neck-deep in debt is robbing families of their ability to truly live the life of their dreams. It’s time to stop the insanity!

Money issues cause problems in the workplace, are a root cause of divorce and stress-related illnesses.  This doesn’t have to be your story any longer. You can start a new chapter today, beginning with one little “baby step.” 

Over the next year, I’m going to help you get more “financially fit!” My objective is to provide you with a simple, easy to understand, no-nonsense financial path with a proven track record filled with millions of success stories.

I’m not here to sugarcoat the truth. As your financial coach and mentor, I will provide a step-by-step financial framework that is working for me personally and has worked for millions of everyday people. The 7-step plan will work for anyone, regardless of age, income, net worth or experience.

Send me your money issues and topics of interest and I will answer them in this series. My role is to educate, inspire, encourage, provide accountability, to help equip your passion and purpose. It’s next to impossible to do that if you are broke.

The American Dream is alive and well for everyday people just like you and me. Millions of people are proving it every day, and they are living amongst us right here in Northwest Florida; they are called “Ramsey Baby Steppers.”

Baby Steppers can be found in every age bracket, career field, and income level. They are everyday people. Many are everyday millionaires (EDM) or on their way towards that designation. They are making a difference in their lives. They are transforming the communities in which they live. They are making their communities a better place to live, work and play.  They live and give like no one else. You could be the next success story featured and all it takes to do it is to follow seven little steps.  Do you have what it takes?

Join me next month to learn the 7-step formula and take an inside peek of what it truly means to “live like no one else.”

2020 could be your best year ever! Join me each month to learn how to create, fund and live the life of your dreams; a life worth smiling and talking about.