
Close-up of a person's eye with noticeable redness in the white area. The surrounding skin appears slightly swollen and darkened. The image highlights the condition of the eye and surrounding area.

Table of Contents

  • 0:42 min


Written by: Marcos Otero, Retired Physician Associate

Our Patient:

  • Patient: Gabriela
  • Location: Venezuela
  • Diagnosis: Conjunctivitis


Gabriela, a 26-year-old teacher in Caracas, began noticing her eyes turning red and itchy after long hours at school.

Presentation of Symptoms:

Gabriela woke up with swollen eyes and yellow discharge, prompting her to miss work.

Key Symptoms:

  • Red, irritated eyes
  • Yellow discharge
  • Gritty sensation in the eyes

Diagnosis & Treatment:

The doctor diagnosed bacterial conjunctivitis and prescribed antibiotic eye drops.

Treatment Plan:

  • Apply eye drops as directed
  • Avoid touching the eyes
  • Change bed linens frequently


If untreated, the infection could spread or cause eye damage.

Cultural and Family Support:

Her sister helped her with household tasks and prepared cold compresses.

Life Today: Possible Outcomes

  • Improved: Gabriela fully recovered and returned to teaching.
  • Complicated: The infection worsened, temporarily affecting her vision.