Christmas is here! This month marks two years since we launched Conexión!

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  • 2:44 min

Christmas is here!  This month marks two years since we launched Conexión! 

Donald Whitney, our co-founder and I decided to do it while pledging to make this our publication the continuation in a sense of what several of us did from 2005 – 2007 when I managed the La Voz del Latino, which at that time was the first Spanish/English newspaper in our area.

I am proud to say that we have kept and will continue to keep that promise.  Old friends like Marcos Otero, who also wrote for La Voz del Latino, and the collaboration by friends and contacts old and new, who also are interested in “guiding, informing, educating, and SERVING” their community, make it possible to publish an interesting, varied, and high quality publication in both content and graphic design.

For 2017, we welcome any of you who like to write and who may have those same goals I list above, to contact us and be part of our team. It does not matter where you live, with the power of technology, we are able to have contributors now all over the region and the world even.

Conexión’s other mission is to “UNITE” and “CONNECT” people.  Hispanics and Non-Hispanics alike.  Our Hispanics and Friends LINKed (HFL) socials have been greatly successful!  Many new relationships have been established through them.  I thank Erika Rojas, our primary representative in Tallahassee for ensuring HFLs are held in Tallahassee on a regular basis too.  Erika and her husband are a key part of our regional success.

Please refer to the ad in this edition for the “Mosaics of the Explorers:  Off the Wall”, it is through HFL that we met Deborah Desilets, an accomplished architect and passionate author who loves the history of Florida.  On January 28, we hope to gather with individuals of all backgrounds for an educational and fun activity on these works of art and hope to be part of the effort to find a public spot in Tallahassee for them to be displayed.

We will continue to LEAD cultural, business, and charitable activities throughout our region and also to sponsor and support the great things that people do.

A huge thanks to our varied advertisers, both the large corporations and the small businesses, it is because of you that we are able to produce this high quality publication that is free to the public.  We promise you that we will continue to give you a lot more for your buck when you advertise with us.  Because wherever Conexión goes, you are there with us.

I invite potential advertisers to give us a try, advertising is an investment in your company!  Our rates will continue to stay low and our efforts to make sure your ad is exposed to thousands via our hard copy publication, our Social Media, the events we lead, etc., will continue to be second to none!

Conexión Media Group and this publication are the BRIDGE for businesses, for non-profits, for service agencies and for all that want to reach that growing Hispanic community in North, NW Florida and SE Alabama!

¡To everyone a very FELIZ NAVIDAD – MERRY CHRISTMAS y Que Dios les Bendiga!
