Would I have chosen abortion if I had been in your situation?


Would I have chosen abortion if I had been in your situation?

By Sheryl Boldt

Are you pregnant and wish you weren’t? Have you experienced a crisis pregnancy and felt abandoned – especially among your church friends?

Whenever our safety and security are threatened, we scream for help. But who can those going through an unplanned pregnancy call for support? And who can the preborn call when their life is about to be terminated?


I’ve never had a crisis pregnancy, but it must be a frightening and emotional experience. Wondering how your boyfriend will respond. Facing your parents’ anger and disappointment. Realizing your dreams of going to college or starting that new career may no longer be possible. Feeling alone, scared, and desperate. 

Am I describing you and your circumstances? Does abortion seem like your only choice?

Would I have made choice?

If I were to be very, very honest, I wonder if my younger self would have chosen abortion had I been in your situation. Before I knew what I know today – before I had grown in my conviction that abortion kills an innocent baby – I honestly wonder, if my younger, insecure-scared-self would have considered it.

Maybe I would have. And this thought disquiets me.

I hope, instead, that an understanding woman would have reached out to me and offered me a different choice – and resources to assist me during and after my pregnancy. And I hope I would have listened to what she had to say and accepted her help.

Perhaps I would have visited the local crisis pregnancy center and had an ultrasound of my very tiny baby so I could see the miracle that was growing inside of me. If I weren’t able to raise my baby, I’d like to think someone would have helped me research adoption agencies.

Then maybe it wouldn’t have been as hard for me to make the same choice my baby would have wanted me to make, thus practicing Luke 6:31 (NASB): “Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.”

Finally, if I had gone through an unplanned pregnancy and felt alone, scared and desperate, I hope my family and church would also have practiced Luke 6:31 concerning me.

Then, perhaps I would have had the courage to choose life. I seriously hope I would have.

And I hope you will too.

Sheryl H. Boldt writes fiction and non-fiction for children and adults. Her weekly devotions have appeared in newspapers across the South since 2014. She is also the author of the blog, www.TodayCanBeDifferent.net. Connect with her at [email protected].

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Sheryl Boldt

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