TWAM Digs Drama Out of History
you sift through forgotten memoires to find shocking scandals, juicy gossip, and heated debates from 200 years ago.
FINANCIAL FOCUS® Slow and steady: A smart way to invest.
You’ve probably heard stories about fortunate investors who “get on the ground floor” of a new, hot company and quickly make a fortune.
"Strength and honor are her clothing; she is confident about the future. Her mouth is full of wisdom; kindly teaching is on her tongue. She is vigilant over the activities of her household; she doesn’t eat the food of…
FINANCIAL FOCUS® What should you know about long-term care? This article was written by Edward Jones for use by Janet Marshall, your Jones Financial Advisor at 137 N St. Andrews St., Dothan, AL 3635. Ph: 334-446-3976, Edward Jones, Member SIPC…
¡La Victoria Es Segura!
¡La Victoria Es Segura! Por: Nelsi Rossi Toda esta gente va a saber que el Señor no necesita de espadas ni de lanzas para salvarlos. La victoria es del Señor, y Él va a ponerlos a ustedes en nuestras…
Temple Grandin
“There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child CAN DO instead of what he cannot do.”Dr. Temple Grandin,
Peering into Tallahassee’s Past
Peering into Tallahassee’s Past by Rachel Olson Are you curious about Tallahassee’s earliest history? Do you want to learn about the diversity of territorial Florida’s past – and of modern Florida’s present? Do you want to experience free food,…