Building High Performance Teams

Table of Contents

  • 1:53 min

By Celemma Lara, Strategic Consultant, Esp. In Values, [email protected]

If we ask ourselves what type of teams companies want, we will surely obtain a long list of qualities, competencies, talents and strengths. 

Organizations want strong, efficient teams that have all or almost all the answers and are also capable of generating results smoothly. It would be something like something out of a superhero story, where everyone has equivalent super powers. However, what commonly happens in reality is that we find teams where diversity reigns, in ages, thoughts, races, cultures, abilities, personalities, talents, limitations, with very different expectations and experiences, where there is no super much less equivalent powers.

Here arises the great challenge of leaders, first of all, to transform groups, of professionals with a common goal, into teams, and then to build high-performance teams.

One of the most effective ways I know of to build high-performance teams is through values. Where the DNA of the company is taken into account and the entire organization is chosen. Additionally, what is most important for each team member is considered and from there, only from there, the fundamental values ​​that represent the team as a systemic unit and in which everyone participates are identified.

The benefit of this methodology is that it creates an integration based on the internal processes of each person, resulting in an increase in commitment, intrinsic motivation, productivity and effectiveness, where everyone assumes specific responsibilities without the need for strict supervision, that is, we build high performance teams.

It is essential to develop a plan that allows obtaining a set of observable and measurable behaviors, defining behavioral indicators (KBIs), in order to monitor them accordingly.

Each team has a mission, to achieve it they develop strategies and objectives, which are aligned with their fundamental values ​​in order to maintain synergy.

It is relevant to highlight that this process applied to the team cannot be isolated from the management or the organizational culture, in fact, it must be aligned with the culture, so that it is sustainable over time.

Last but not least, leadership plays a key role and must be consistent with the model that is built, since the team is a system within a great system (the company).
