Build Your Well-being!!

Pamela di Pascuale

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  • 3:34 min

By Pamela Di Pascuale, Entrepreneur Advisor | @pamdipascuale | [email protected]

Our well-being has become a priority in our lives.

Well-being begins in your mind.

A healthy mind helps you have a healthy body. It is important to understand, that, if psychologically we are not well, immediately that will affect our body.

1 Having a healthy and positive mind: it is the beginning of building your well-being, that which you want to materialize in your life. That is why it is very important that we train our mind, that we raise our energy, that we stimulate the brain in activities that fill us with joy, enthusiasm so that it can lead us to well-being, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to experience it.

A positive mindset helps us connect with that WHAT?

We all know that there are days when we are not motivated, that we do not find that willpower to do it, at that moment it is essential to connect with the personal purpose, to connect with that what I am doing what I am doing. And from there, I get the momentum we need to take the next step and to move forward in building that habit.

2️ Unlearning and Learning: where we have to leave behind what we already were, to start living in a different way, Why?, because we have evolved and because the path we are going leads us to evolution, we can not be tied to the same things, to the same jobs, to the same environments, to the old patterns. It is to learn to open ourselves to the possibility of experiencing new alternatives, new paths, since in the end it is not about achieving a result, in the end it is to build habits, which are carried out in a sustained way over time lead to that state of integral physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

You have to train the mind, the body and the spirit with a lot of commitment, discipline and perseverance. Invest some of your time in cultivating healthy habits. And I can tell you if you can! When you want, you can!

It is time to get to know ourselves, it is time to observe and it is time to reflect on our integral well-being to make decisions that lead us to live in a much more conscious, healthier and happier way.


MESSAGE FROM PAMELA: I’m Venezuelan, I live in Miami Florida. I am a very energetic, cheerful and optimistic woman. I love sports and leading a healthy lifestyle.

I graduated in Business Administration. I trained as a Life Coach, Neuro Facilitator and certified in Emotional Intelligence. I advise entrepreneurs, especially in matters of motivation, leadership and management with Coaching and Emotional Intelligence tools. I am passionate about personal growth and holistic well-being. I am a lover of nature, ecotourism and animals.

I’m a born entrepreneur. At the age of 26 I started with a food franchise and then I developed a Corporate Catering Services company, the growth of this company was opening the doors for me to expand the business and also dedicate myself to the production and organization of corporate events in which I did very well for more than 15 years.

Due to difficult health situations, I was led to sell the company to give my personal life the space it deserved.

From this process of transformation was born my intention to inspire and motivate in favor of integral well-being and my project Know and Connect with your Well Being, whose objective is to achieve together that transformation and balance in emotional health, training body, mind and spirit by sharing with you what has worked for me , setting goals, creating habits and fulfilling them, to learn to live the experience of life more conscious, healthier and happier.

Currently I accompany those people who seek to unlock their inner potential and professionally focus their passions and talents to walk the path of transformation and possibilities, in order to build a life with purpose and self-knowledge, helping them to strengthen self-confidence and connect with their true essence and authenticity.

Also working on well-being, in the production of workshops, workshops and online challenges in the area of personal growth, health and well-being to live well, feel good and be well.

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