Boeing Employees Donate Toys to CIC Kids

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  • 0:36 min

Source:  Children in Crisis Inc.

Employees of the local Boeing Company of Fort Walton helped the kids living at Children in Crisis this week by having a toy drive and fundraiser. Thanks to the generous donations from the members, the kids living at the CIC Neighborhood will have a little extra this year to make Christmas special. Along with the huge donation of toys, the membership presented gift cards to help provide a home and care for the more than 100 children that will call CIC home.

According to Ken Hair, CIC President & CEO, “The donation helped provide our children in need with a BIG SMILE during the Holidays! The donation truly makes a difference and we are very thankful.”

En la foto, de izquierda a derecha: empleados de la compañía local de Boeing en Fort Walton Beach donan una gran cantidad de juguetes además de las tarjetas monetarias para ayudar a las familias y hacer que la navidad sea especial para más de 100 niños que tienen su hogar en Children in Crisis: Lesley Lowrey de CIC, Ray Townsend y José Zapata-Ayala de Boeing y Dr. Judy Manning de CIC.

Children in Crisis, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), non-profit charity of caring people working together to provide homes and establish hope to the abused, neglected, and abandoned children of our community.Since 2008, CIC has provided a home, care and love to over 900 at-risk children. To learn more about Children in Crisis call 850-864-4242 or visit

Left to right:Lesley Lowrey of CIC; Ray Townsend and José Zapata-Ayala of Boeing; and Dr. Judy Manning of CIC.