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  • 2:60 min

Are you BLUE in a Red State?

By Alan Pacek

Are you BLUE in a Red State? Take our test!

In recent years, it’s come to be accepted that BLUE means Democrat and Red means Republican.  But that has not always been the case; BLUE meaning Democrats only dates back to the 2000 election.  In 1976, NBC showed off its first election map on the air, with bulbs that turned red for Carter-won states (Democratic), and blue for Ford (Republican). This original color scheme was based on Great Britain’s political system, which used red to denote the more liberal party.

Across the Panhandle and in other Republican stronghold states the word “liberal” is often used to shame someone or to discredit an idea – without ever having to fully evaluate it based on merit.  So, where do you stand when answering these questions?

Do you believe that our government must protect the working class over special interests and moneyed elites?

Do you believe that health care is an economic and moral right?

Do you believe education, including college, is an economic right?

Do you believe that protecting the environment is essential to our future?

Do you advocate peace over military intervention, always?

Do you believe that our government must protect the civil liberties of all Americans, and especially stand up for the marginalized?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, you might be a liberal, but without question your core values are the same as the BLUE – Democratic Party.  The above questions are in line with the core values of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), the 32nd President of the United States serving from 1933 to 1945.  FDR was so certain that these core values should be American core values that he proposed including them into a Second Bill of Rights to the US Constitution.  Sadly, it was never passed because he died soon after giving this address which can still be viewed online ( and is as relevant today as it was back then.

As we talk about History, it’s important to note how times change, yet some things don’t – like people’s values and each of our moral compasses.  Likewise, time and time again, we’ve seen History repeat.  There are many influences today that were just not present back when FDR was forging his “New Deal” which was a coalition that included the Democratic state party organizations, local political activists, labor unions, blue collar workers, minorities (racial, ethnic and religious), farmers, white Southerners, people on relief, and intellectuals.  Did you know that it was this gathering of diverse “New Deal” interests that made Okaloosa County vote predominantly Democrat up until the 1980s?

The good news is that, if you look, there are still a lot of good Democratic neighbors here in Okaloosa County.   More and more of them are becoming actively involved due to the current administrations radical positions that are contra to Democratic ideals.  Anna Finley, a volunteer put together the attached flyer, so it’s easy to connect with us online or by phone.  Anna is one of many people across Okaloosa County who are lending their talents, time, and resources to a new coalition that will protect, codify, and expand the core values in which we believe.  Be sure to look for next month’s column which will be a Who’s Who of the people promoting Democratic Core Values in Okaloosa County – Or, better yet, join us today and be included!