Be the best version of yourself


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  • 4:13 min

Be the best version of yourself

By Silvia Zúñiga Cárcamo

We have to be prepared for everything, in every moment of our lives, we have to be ready, and we really don’t know when it will be our time to shine. That’s why I’ve learned that no matter what we do, we have to do it well, with excellence, give 100% of ourselves, our best version. Have you ever wondered what it means to give your best, or how you can be better? In this time we will learn how we can give our best, how we can be “our best version.” One of the main things is to always be able to put our entire life in the hands of God at every moment, the word teaches us in Psalms 37:5 5Commit your way to the Lord, and trust in him; and he will do.

Always remembering that our faith and mental health is vital for our growth as good people…

When your heart is good, your mind will be good, your emotions will be good, that means that body, mind and soul are united in the same feeling, and that your decisions will be made from a positive perspective, with the faith that everything will work out ok.  The best version of yourself from now on has to be full of tolerance, resistance and a lot of self-love. This opens doors for us to always want to do the best for ourselves, for our family, in our personal and social lives and above all in our community. How can I be better?

• Every day we must strive to improve as people, develop our skills, overcome our fears and live in accordance with our values ​​and purposes. It is a call to self-improvement and personal growth.

• *Being the best version of yourself means discovering, exercising and reinforcing your innate talents and transforming them into a legacy for the world.  For this, you need to learn something new and creative every day.

• Being the best version of yourself involves diving inside yourself and projecting from within the vision of who you want to become. For this, you need to know your strengths and weaknesses, your fears and desires, your values ​​and principles.

• Being the best version of yourself means surrounding yourself with positivity and associating with people who inspire and support you. For this, you need to stay away from toxic people who discourage you or make you feel bad. The word of God teaches us in “1 Corinthians 15:33 (Spanish America) 33Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good customs.”

• Being the best version of yourself means saying “yes” to life and taking advantage of the opportunities that arise. For this, you need to get out of your comfort zone and explore new experiences that enrich you.

Remember that being the best version of yourself is an ongoing process and it is up to you to make it happen.

• Motivation is in the dream and not in the money: When you face “bad streaks” do not throw in the towel, remember that you are pursuing your dream, you must remember and look for your personal motivation so as not to give up

• Ask for support if necessary: ​​People who truly belong in your circle of trust will be willing to help you without judging you when you need it, for example, by recommending or recommending your products or services. They are the first ones you should think of if you need help.

• Save: Always allocate an amount to face any adversity that will help you feel safe and capable.

• To be a better entrepreneur, you must be as well prepared as possible, have vision, and be curious, organized and constant.

• Reach high by being you! Your best version

• Reaching heights by being yourself is the best version of yourself, it is

• A powerful motto that invites us to embrace our authenticity and uniqueness. It involves recognizing that we do not need to compare ourselves with others or try to fit into pre-established molds. Being your truest self means honoring our passions, talents, and values, and having the courage to follow our own dreams and goals, even if it means defying expectations or facing adversity, remembering that God is on our side.

• Reaching heights by being yourself means trusting in our abilities and believing in our unlimited potential. It means overcoming inner fears and doubts, and finding the courage to take risks and pursue what we are truly passionate about. There are no limits to what we can achieve when we allow ourselves to be authentic and genuine, since that connects us with our true essence and drives us to give the best of ourselves, since for God we are unique, he chose us to be beings of good and victorious. Ephesians 1:4

4As he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him,

Let’s remember if we can.  Let’s always give our best version. Smile, spread happiness to others.