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  • 1:33 min

Baptist Hospital

By Pastor Gabriel Vargas

Baptist Health Care was founded on the principles of faith and the ministry of healing. Healing includes physical, mental and spiritual. At Gulf Breeze Hospital, our Faith In Action team consists of leader support, team members, and volunteers. We have a wonderful group of volunteer chaplains from all Christian faiths that are committed to helping in this mission.

Faith In Action provides patients, their family members and team members with a variety of ways to meet their spiritual needs. We offer the following items and services:

• Prayers are offered daily at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. over the hospital intercom system.

• Volunteer Chaplains are on call for visits 24 hours a day, seven days per week. To arrange a chaplain visit, please contact hospital administration at 850.934.2100 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday or during weekends.You may contact the hospital house supervisor after hours at 850.934.2311.

• Administration will be happy to contact a patient’s personal church upon request to ask for a visit as well.

• The hospital’s chapel is located on the second floor, adjacent to the main hospital elevator and is available for private prayer and meditation 24 hours a day.

• Items offered at no cost:
o Soft cover New Testament Bibles with Psalms or hard cover New King James Version Bibles
o Pocket size Psalms in English and Spanish
o “Our Daily Bread” devotional booklets
o Rosaries
o Prayer Shawls – hand made with love and prayer
o Prayer cards

Gulf Breeze Hospital is a center for excellence providing patients and their families an atmosphere of compassion and faith that is extended by our leaders, team members and volunteers for the Glory of God and his healing abilities.