Babushka y los Abuelos

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  • 2:41 min

Babushka y los Abuelos

By Bohemian Babushka

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!  Ya llegamos a Junio, mid year.  Increible pero cierto.  Time really does go by in a blink.  One day you’re playing with toys, and the next you’re a grandparent.  Y no, not being Cuban here, it really does go by that quickly.  Pero don’t let that sadden you Beautifuls, because there is belleza en cada etapa of life if you take the time to enjoy it.  To Babushka that’s what June is all about. Enjoying each phase, remembering and honoring.  There is no coincidencia that Father’s Day and the Summer Solstice come the same month. Ponte comodos and let BB give you the magia del mes.

Father’s Day, to honor the father figure in our lives. Of course it can also be Grandfathers, for most of them are still here and still adding to our memories. They are the keepers of our past and the living line to our family history.  Ahora, is that the only way you see the abuelos? As time keepers?  JU SO FONII!!! Grandparents today are living longer, traveling, using social media and more apt to have interests away from their family. Betcha Grandma’s got a pagina en Feibu (Facebook) verdad? And BB’s sure many a discurso has been had over on Tweety (Twitter)! So aprovecha to ask them questions when you see them, unless you’re ready to send them a questionaire via email.  ; )

Seriously though, what would you ask them?  What part of your family history most intrigues you? What answers are you longing for? What stories would you like to know;what stories would you want to hear again?  Would you let them know how much they meant to you? Could you recall a shared moment you’ll always cherish and have them relive it with you? Can you tell them cuanto los quiere?

And here is why the Summer Solstice,the longest day of the year belongs in June.  Mid Year, to reflect the days already lived and to look forward to the seasons yet to come. Extra hours to reflect, relive, and respond.  Time with family es perfecto para esto.  If at all possible Beautifuls, aprovecha of the long day and take a long look a tu vida y tu historia.  Entwine energies with your antepasados and appreciate all the living done, the journey of those before you.  Respira profundamente and find joy y fuerza that it’s now your turn to carry on.  Peace and power becomes ours when we know we’re not alone and that we don’t do things for only the moment, but for lifetimes to come.  This to Babushka embodies what a grandparents role is in a family.

On Sundays, at 9:30 p.m. ET, we honor and talk about grandparents and grandparenting. “BB Blabs ‘Bout ‘Buela-Where Grandparents Gloat & Grandchildren Remember” is a livestream show interviewing modernday abuelos and sharing memories of grandparents and their legacy.  The web address is and in the near future the shows will be in podcast form for easier listening. Definitely not as much fun as looking at Babushka y sus muecas, but still conveniently captivating.