Babushka goes to Hispanicize 2016

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Babushka goes to Hispanicize 2016

By Bohemian Babushka
HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! By the time you read this, Babushka would have attended her fifth Hispanicize. Five times? Is an event really worth going that many times? JU SO FONII!!! Not only is it worth attending, it’s become a pilgrimage of sorts for many of us in social media and other arenas because it gets bigger and better every year.
“#Hispz16 is the iconic, largest annual event for Latino trendsetters and newsmakers in digital content creation, journalism, marketing, entertainment and tech entrepreneurship. The Hispanicize event is a launch pad for creative endeavors, new products, technologies, marketing campaigns, films, books and more targeting Latinos in the U.S. and/or Puerto Rico.”
And founder/organizer Manny Ruiz promises “this year Hispanicize will be more than just an event; we want to make sure we make a great difference for our Latino community.”
One of the differences will be sponsoring the launch of @TheLSBProject, a social good effort for those living with Spina Bifida. “Spina bifida is a congenital birth condition that affects the spine. The spine is left undeveloped, unclosed, with nerves exposed. While this is corrected surgically upon birth, secondary permanent effects can include paralysis, hydrocephalus (water on the brain), bladder and bowel incontinence, as well as other issues. There are as many as 166,000 people living with spina bifida in the country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Latinos have the highest incidence of spina bifida of all ethnicities.” The nonprofit is led by BB’s querida amiga, Laurita Tellado who was born with Spina Bifida and knows first-hand the frustrations and limitations experienced because of the disease. The website to learn more about the project,
Hispanicize is about advancement, collaboration, and celebration of our Latino community in all aspects del mundo y en todo el mundo. Porque honestly beautifuls, who better than nosotros to do it? Next month more detalles of the event y La Potencia that is Hispanicize.
Cuidensen & BB2U.