Autism Society of the Emerald Coast

Table of Contents

  • 1:20 min

Autism Society of the Emerald Coast

The mission of the Autism Society of the Emerald Coast is to serve as the leading voice and resource of the local autism community. We the area’s leader in raising community awareness while providing support for individuals with autism and their families through outreach opportunities, educational programming and providing inclusion opportunities within schools and the community.

The Society is organized exclusively for charitable & educational purposes, more specifically to ensure that all individuals affected by autism will be provided a network of opportunities to become fully accepted, included, and actively participating members of our community, through family support, education, advocacy and public awareness.

NOTA DEL EDITOR: Conexión se honra en ser un patrocinador del Color Run de ASEC e invitamos a nuestros lectores a que entren a la página de la sociedad o que accedan a la página de la Sociedad de Autismo Americana.  También, les instamos a que vayan, apoyen a ASEC y al mismo tiempo se diviertan en el gran evento “Color Run” que se llevara a cabo el próximo abril 18, en el parque Landing del centro de Fort Walton Beach.  Vease anuncio en esta edición y díganle a todos.  (We invite our readers to go and support ASEC by attending the 18 April Color Run.  See event ad on this edition!)