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  • 3:10 min


By Peggy Brockman | [email protected] |

Or are you planning to SUCCEED?  If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  That is a fact! With 2017 coming to an end, it is time to plan for 2018. My mentor, John C. Maxwell, takes the week between Christmas and New Year and goes into hiding to plan. He says that you should review your year, make corrections where needed, and plan for your next year so you are ready to succeed.

I must admit… It seems as if I have sometimes lost the whole first month of the year. If I want to lose weight, I make the excuse that I am finishing up leftovers from the holidays, getting in the right mindset, etc., etc. For me, December seems too jumbled full of end of the year business and parties to take time off to plan my next year so I use January to do that. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t work in January… It is sometimes one of my busiest speaking months and my coaching business begins to boom at that time with everyone deciding they suddenly want to plan their year out. By doing this, I hit the ground running full force in February. It works for me. We all have to find what works for us. We just have to be honest with ourselves about why we are delaying, if we are.

My focus word for 2017 was #RELEASE. In January 2017, I set my goal to eliminate at least 1/3 of the contents of my house—the “stuff” I had held onto for many years for really no real reason. I went room by room. It was very freeing and it freed up space in my mind, my surroundings and I felt a real sense of accomplishment. I had a big garage sale and donated two truckloads. I started February with an anti-inflammatory eating program that promotes healthy living and solid weight RELEASE that stays away. I RELEASED almost 20 pounds and have kept it off for almost a year now. I will do the same in 2018 because that is the month that works for me to do that—to be in the right mindset.

I planned to grow my speaking business and to specifically gear my coaching business to entrepreneurs, business executives and sales executives—it is what my expertise is. I had a specific plan of what groups/programs I needed to focus my time and money towards and what I needed to do to improve my visibility. I opted out of things that were taking up my time without furthering my business or personal goals. Here is what I know: when you plan to succeed and you GET INTO ACTION, the universe begins to deliver. All of a sudden, I was getting speaking engagements like never before. Some amazing coaching clients showed up (even after almost doubling my price) … my business began to thrive again. If YOU set your intentions, plan your year, and plan to succeed… YOU WILL!!!

If you don’t know how… join me in January for “BREAK-THROUGH: Your Plan for Success” workshop. It’s only $39 (includes food) and you will receive a planning workbook to guide you through defining your purpose and setting your intentions for both your personal and business lives. And if you like it and feel you need more support, I will be offering a KILLER group and private coaching/accountability program to keep you on track. DON’T MISS THE WORKSHOP—the workbook alone is worth way more than the $39!  Register on the home page of my website at for the date and time that best suits your schedule.

Be intentional about your success!

[email protected] |