WILL the Real Hispanic Leaders Stand Up?

WILL the Real Hispanic Leaders Stand Up? By Barbara Britt There are 55 million Hispanic people in the United States. 1.2 million Hispanics serving in the U.S, armed forces.  They are also the largest ethnic or race minority in the United States. Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the…

WILL the Real Hispanic Leaders Stand Up?

By Barbara Britt

There are 55 million Hispanic people in the United States. 1.2 million Hispanics serving in the U.S, armed forces.  They are also the largest ethnic or race minority in the United States. Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the United States. It is up to you to be intentional about developing the skills to lead and share that knowledge and skill set with others.    

“Kids, regardless of race or background, can accomplish anything if we expect great things from them.”

Jose Rosario, second grade teacher at Success Academy 

When do we decide to take ownership of our own leadership? Know that leading yourself will be the hardest person you will ever have to lead. The Hispanic community, like all communities, must start with the youngest of their children and develop leadership skills in them throughout their journey. Discuss the characteristics and values of Leadership, define the difference between managing people and influencing them, educate them, demonstrate the beauty and the benefits of service to community and always stress that leadership starts with personal responsibility.

Leadership is a skill that we all have the ability to possess; yet it’s our philosophy that sets us apart from the rest. Without it, we would just be managing people, systems and processes or being managed ourselves.  People need to be enriched, valued and taught to lead. With that and a healthy sense of responsibility comes influence the desire to encompass our families, church, communities, businesses, states, and even countries. When it is all said and done, what will your legacy be and how will it contribute to the legacy of the Hispanic community legacy?  Will you and the community develop strong leaders from their youngest up or will you allow people to be managed?

Leadership is your right from birth and everyone has the right to learn to lead. It is not a sprint; it is a marathon. It’s getting bone weary and adjusting your gait so you can make it to the end. Sometimes it is you taking the lead and sometimes you have to be part of the group to make it possible. Start at home by implementing the philosophy into your family, everyone has the right to lead, and we need everyone.”

View the chart below. Are you using the thoughts, words, and actions of a manager or leader? 

Managers                                                         Leaders

Standardize                                                      Innovate

Maintain                                                           Develop

Problem Solve                                                   Possibility Thinking 

Views:  Short Term                                          Views:  Long Term

Enacts Culture                                                  Shapes Culture

Reactive                                                            Proactive

How & When                                                   What and Why

Doing things right                                             Do the right things

Plans Details                                                     Sets Direction

Initiate                                                              Originate

Goals/Objectives                                              Vision

Rules                                                                Values

When children learn to lead at an early age, they have time to watch, listen, ask all those important questions. As they mature, they will become better equipped to lead if they had the opportunity to learn from the best. They will impact them and others the rest of their lives.

Starting to live and learn leadership skills by at least the age of two can help children work out the issues in their life now.  As a leader, if you don’t develop the habit of consistently working out your character issues, you are stunting the growth necessary to become an influencer in the future.

Parents: now is the time to develop your legacy, through yourself, your children, community, church, and the world. When we lead and influence with intentionality, people of the world will be able to live into their purpose.

I leave you with this,

“Widen the path of opportunities and continue to leave a powerful and positive legacy in this world.”

Luis Fonsi, singer/songwriter

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