Why Do We Need to Strive?

Why Do We Need to Strive? Wandalyz Rivera We need to strive to learn something! Right? I will tell you a little about what effort implies, and its importance in our lives. Effort forms people. You must analyze what you think effort means and its importance in our lives. What…

Why Do We Need to Strive?

Wandalyz Rivera

We need to strive to learn something! Right?

I will tell you a little about what effort implies, and its importance in our lives. Effort forms people. You must analyze what you think effort means and its importance in our lives.

What I want to do with this article is to show you how important effort is when a person strives to accomplish something in life and is successful, or when such person reaches his or her goals through that effort. So the relationship between effort, as a person’s value, together with other values such as discipline, obedience, and pride in a work well done—among others—are important in our lives.

What do you think when we speak of effort?

Effort is an energetic action of our bodies or a human wish. That is the force to persevere, to reach for a goal in your life. I can also tell you that effort is considered a virtue in a person’s soul and is related to the force or wish to face a hardship, or otherwise, to propose a way to overcome such hardship.

It is extremely important to know that effort is fundamental to achieve those difficult goals in our daily lives and we must have patience, courage and, most importantly, our own energy to attain it. Did you know that effort is learned? There are people who say that all learning implies effort. The factor that determines human effort is its development stage, its practice, and above all, your own wish to learn. This wish to learn something is what helps us understand and believe in our goal.

On the other hand, our willingness should be combined with effort and I’ll tell you the reason I think this way. When you are willing, you can work and train daily so your behavior becomes automatic in order to diminish your effort. But once you accomplish effort, willingness, and patience—all together—patience will be the main pillar to encourage your effort.

Let me explain… as a university student, I wish to be successful; but if I don’t try even a little bit to accomplish that, I won’t reach my objective. There isn’t a bit of effort without motivation. If you aren’t motivated even a little bit, it is almost impossible for you to fight for your goals. If you don’t have a designated goal to attain… there won’t be any reason to even try. For that reason, it is good to know, apply, and generate all the incentives that will propel you to strive and obtain success. “Our reward is found in our effort, not on the result. Therefore, total effort means complete victory.”


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