Vocabulary for Success!

Vocabulary for Success! By Dr. Maria I. Pouncey Parents have the opportunity to make a difference in their child’s life, especially before the child begins school. Did you know that an achievement gap can form before your child starts school and it continues to widen throughout their academic career (Viadero,…

Vocabulary for Success!

By Dr. Maria I. Pouncey

Parents have the opportunity to make a difference in their child’s life, especially before the child begins school.

Did you know that an achievement gap can form before your child starts school and it continues to widen throughout their academic career (Viadero, 2007)?

You can prevent this, when you increase your child’s vocabulary beginning from infancy—talk, sing, and of course read to your babies “every” night. Even if you read the same book over and over again, it does not matter because children are like sponges who absorb and process everything. If you know of parents who are illiterate, encourage them to get a book and explain what is happening in the pictures to their child—this also increases the child’s vocabulary because they are listening and processing the pictures with the words.

In 1848, Horace Mann, declared that “Education… beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery;” in other words, education gives our children an opportunity to succeed and triumph financially. Take a few minutes each night to increase your child’s cognitive skills and prepare them to be kindergarten ready.

“Children who at age 5 are prepared, generally have more success in school, they graduate, and earn more money throughout their careers” (Brookings Institution Report, 2012). Make the difference!

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