Vibrating High

Vibrating High By Pamela Di Pascuale, Entrepreneur Advisor | [email protected] Vibrating High – Nothing that happens to us is alien to our own vibration. That is, the reality that you see manifested in your life today is the result of the vibrational frequency at which you vibrate. That vibrational frequency…

Vibrating High

By Pamela Di Pascuale, Entrepreneur Advisor | [email protected]

Vibrating High – Nothing that happens to us is alien to our own vibration. That is, the reality that you see manifested in your life today is the result of the vibrational frequency at which you vibrate. That vibrational frequency that you are, is what I believe, what surrounds you today.

Stop for a moment, and really think that you live. It may be what you want and there may be things around you that you would like to change.

We are feeling changes of consciousness transformation. By transforming consciousness, our energy changes and that is where many of us encounter resistance, in the face of situations and events that are occurring in our lives.

The quantum field is the medium in which we project our inner world to the universe to create the outer world; And in order to manifest it, our energy must flow and be aligned correctly through what is called consciousness.

The change of consciousness means freedom, liberation of beliefs and limiting programming that make us act, live in conditions and situations that are often contrary to our feelings and ideas, thus creating emotions.

Consciousness contains: Self-image and Self-esteem, which we project in our day to day through our way of living.

When we are aware of it, we can realize how our energy flows and we understand that everything depends on our emotions, that they mark our vibration and that, depending on the strength of this vibration, so will our energy frequency.

Starting with a high vibration routine is essential, which gives you a space to put words to your wishes or see the illusions of the mind, identify emotions and connect with the heart.

A constant practice of choosing the highest: time to be present, Here and Now, in connection with yourself and in confidence with the process of life.

To rebalance and release the blocks in our vibrational energy, the main and most important thing is to have a clear awareness of who we are and that we are energy.

We change our consciousness and we change our life experience!

Happy beginning of November!

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