Thanksgiving everyday with a #GSOG

By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! Isn’t that a bella sentimiento? Speaking of bella and Thanksgiving, let’s mention the people who without their beautiful sentimientos there would be no national day of thanks. A little known, very importante, well deserved recognition to a group of people BB admires very much-the  Indigenous…

By Bohemian Babushka

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

Isn’t that a bella sentimiento? Speaking of bella and Thanksgiving, let’s mention the people who without their beautiful sentimientos there would be no national day of thanks. A little known, very importante, well deserved recognition to a group of people BB admires very much-the  Indigenous American People.

Gracias to their kindness and guidance, the European settlers learned to farm the lands and find foods to eat.  Their generosity helped the strangers survive an unknown land. In thanks of a year of survival, a feast was held. And from this gesture of gratitude is based the American holiday of Thanksgiving.

To this punto Babushka wants to start her writing. Giving Thanks and being a Blessing to Others. If you have followed BB, you know her #GSOG postings. That stands for-

 #GigaSecond #Of #Gratitude. Just a momento of each dia to acknowledge a blessing experienced that day. Noon is the hour an alarm goes off en el celular to remind BB to stop, take a deep breath, and give gracias for what has passed that day. Sometimes the only thing that comes to mind is to give thanks for another day, and that’s a very important punto too.  If that’s the only thing you can think of to give gracias for, it’s not a bad one, not at all.  A quick, sincere blessing each day puts us in touch with the momento, the now of our vidas. With this #GSOG the daily correcorre of the day is stopped to remind us of a bigger reason. We are here blessed and to be a blessing for others. Si, you can be and are a blessing pa’ otros. Remember this, believe this, know this.  Your actions, your being, affects those around you, and that in turn affects those around them. We are all connected Beautifuls, here to share the blessings of this bella vida.

November is the month of Thanksgiving. May it live daily in nuestras vidas.

Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.

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