“There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child CAN DO instead of what he cannot do.”
“El ENFOQUE debería estar en enseñar a las personas
a adaptarse al mundo social que les rodea, sin dejar de
conservar la esencia de QUIENES ELLOS SON, incluido
su autismo.”
“The FOCUS should be teaching people to ADAPT to
the social world around them, while still retaining the
essence of WHO THEY ARE, including their autism.”
— Dr. Temple Grandin
“There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child CAN DO instead of what he cannot do.”“El ENFOQUE debería estar en enseñar a las personasa adaptarse al mundo social que les rodea, sin dejar deconservar la esencia de QUIENES ELLOS SON, incluidosu autismo.”“The FOCUS should be teaching…