Unlike the lower part of our beloved state, Up North in The South starts to have a season change in November and the temperatures really can dip. Around now, when we start to plan out the menu for Thanksgiving, we also start to look back at the events of the year and begin our fond recollections of the blessings enjoyed till now. It was actually cold enough this weekend that Sweetie started taking out winter clothing, and the memories of the year’s summer adventure came out with them.
“You remember the great time we had at the Keys hun?” “The Gypsy wagon was a beaut wasn’t it? Wouldn’t mind going on another trip with her.” “You know, we really could camp out in her with no problem at all. Now wouldn’t that be great?”
Quee? Esta bien, it didn’t have all those BB markings on it, but it did have the following that made it feel like ours.
Vieron to’ eso Beautifuls? Chargers in the back, in the front, cup holders all over too!! Y con BB you KNOW you have to have all those little compartment spaces for the various pamphlets, cameras, cell phone, tablets… things we all carry everyday. The Gypsy Wagon was a diesel and mas que spacious, so it was ready for any clase de trip we’d ask of her. Roomy, spacious, note the amount of trunk space,the bags fit comfortably- and so did Sweetie!! Look at that smile on him. Midiendo 6’2″ there aren’t many vehicles he can stand straight in.