Remembering, Learning, Celebrating!

Remembering, Learning, Celebrating! By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! From September 15 – October 15 the US Celebrates #HispanicHeritageMonth . A month to celebrate all the contributions made by Hispanics to this county, “to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive histories of the American Latino community.” This…

Remembering, Learning, Celebrating!

By Bohemian Babushka

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

From September 15 – October 15 the US Celebrates #HispanicHeritageMonth . A month to celebrate all the contributions made by Hispanics to this county, “to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive histories of the American Latino community.” This Mes de La Hispanidad is to share and learn, for now and the futuro. Towards this end BB follows NHCOA, the National HIspanic Council on Aging, a national organization working to “improve the lives of Hispanic Older adults, their families and caregivers” and finds their work promising. 

Our history is also our future, for this is what it builds upon.  We are a resilient people, fuerte and determined, which is a good thing, porque we’re gonna need it. Here (, NHCOA highlights areas we need to focus on, bring attention to, topics like-

Healthcare/Health:  In 2018, 20.9% of Hispanics under the age of 65 did not have health insurance.

Economic Security:  The poverty rate for Hispanic Americans 65 and older is almost double other elder Americans.

Leadership Development:  Empowerment and civic engagement to share our views and strengthen our votes.

“NHCOA aims to ensure the Latino community is better understood and fairly represented in U.S. policies. NHCOA encourages multicultural and multigenerational national dialogues to build a stronger America that meets the cultural and linguistic needs of Hispanic older adults, their families, and caregivers across the country.”

United we have the numbers and the power to make this a reality. This month is to be proud of our yesterdays, find strength for today, knowing and belonging for mañana.

Wishing you un mes de orgullo, sabiduria and of course, mucho baile!!

Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.

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