March Madness

Por Bohemain Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! Now before you do like Sweetie and think March Madness is only a term used for basketball junkies, let BB assure you she uses the term for a very diferente razon.  March is the month when the year is waking up. January we’re still in…

Por Bohemain Babushka

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

Now before you do like Sweetie and think March Madness is only a term used for basketball junkies, let BB assure you she uses the term for a very diferente razon.  March is the month when the year is waking up. January we’re still in a groggy fog after the holidays and spending, Febrero is short and quick, so March is the first truly full, fully awake month in Babushka’s ojos. It’s the month of hurry up and catch up. The month we admit to being too optimistic in those New Year Resolutions, or the month we decide to truly buckle down to accomplish them.

March is also a month of super irrelevant, interesting, and importante official dias. Babushka once said there was a National Day for just about everything. If you look at the above calendario, you’ll see she’s right. Algunos were listed with a JU SO FONII (like Ntl. Cold Cuts Day and Ntl. Something on a Stick Day) others listed are semi in jest, pero importante to BB. These would be Ntl. Napping Day, Manatee Appreciation Day for home town county,Wakulla,and because of representing Neptune Society, National Funeral Director y Mortician Day, y to this Cubana Americana, a Ntl. Roast Pork Day is a “but of course”. Well deserved anombramiento, International Women’s Day, International Earth Day, National American Diabetes Association Alert Day, Epilepsy Awareness-Purple Day. To this Groovy Grandma, there are some that at first glance you wonder how they passed, but on further estudio, are so glad they did. National Common Courtesy Day, National Employee Appreciation Day, National Day of Unplugging, and National Let’s Laugh Day, to remind us of what is truly importante in our days.

So whatever March is to you Beautifuls, may it be memorable.

Babushka Besos a Todos. Cuidensen

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