El Rincón de Jaime – Jimmy’s Corner

El Rincón de Jaime – Jimmy’s Corner Dawn Adolfson – [email protected]   Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. It is estimated that there are about 70 million fathers in the United States and 154,000 stay at home to take care of the house and children. Usually children…

El Rincón de Jaime – Jimmy’s Corner

Dawn Adolfson – [email protected]

Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. It is estimated that there are about 70 million fathers in the United States and 154,000 stay at home to take care of the house and children. Usually children will buy their father a gift on this holiday. The most common gifts are ties, socks, wallets, belts, tools, and car accessories. Think about a gift that will show your father how much you appreciate him!Se celebra el día de padre el tercer domingo de junio. Es estimado que hay alrededor de 70 millón de padres en los estados unidos y 154,000 se quedan en la casa para cuidar a los niños. Usualmente los hijos compran un regalo para su padre en este día festivo. Los regalos más comunes son corbatas, calcetines, billeteras, cinturones, herramientas, y accesorias del carro. ¡Piensa en un regalo que mostraría a tu padre que tanto lo aprecias!
Match the words – Empareja las palabras
Third (tird)
Take care (tey kar)Father (fa-der)Holiday (ah-le-deey)Tie (tii)Socks (so-ksWallet (wall-let)Belt (beelt

Tools (tuls)

Car Accessories (car ah-ce-sor-is)

Calcetines (cal-se-teen-es)

Cuidar (quee-dar)

Herramientas (hairr-a-me-in-tas)

Accesorias del carro (ah-ce-sor-ee-ahs dayl cah-rro)

Tercer (tear-ser)

Padre (pah-drey)

Día festivo (de-ah feh-stee-vo)

Corbata (core-bah-tah)

Billetera (be-yeh-tear-a)

Cinturón (sin-tur-ron)



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