Invest in yourself…You are worth it!

Invest in yourself…You are worth it!By Barbara Britt   The big question we start dealing with comes in November “What is your New Year’s Resolution?”  Everyone asks you about it and probably you stress yourself out trying to answer it not only for them but yourself as well.  You spend…

Invest in yourself…You are worth it!
By Barbara Britt

The big question we start dealing with comes in November “What is your New Year’s Resolution?”  Everyone asks you about it and probably you stress yourself out trying to answer it not only for them but yourself as well.  You spend precious time and creativity trying to come up with something that sounds thought provoking.
Would you be surprised to hear that only 8% of us making resolutions actually keep them or even start them?  That in itself is not necessarily the most dangerous problem.  It’s that self-fulfilling prophecy; I’m not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough.  This seems to be a language so many of us understand, “I Am Not Enough.”   That is where the real danger lies.  This can stop us dead in our tracks, rob us of our energy or keep us from going in a positive direction
You owe it to yourself to try something that will not only work but help to increase your focus and productivity.  For all you sports enthusiasts make a game plan or for the rest of the world create an action plan.  Whatever you call it give yourself permission to close down and only focus on you and your plan.  It will not cost you money or even a lot of down time for that matter.  You will just need an uninterrupted space, personal quiet time to evaluate where you are and where you want to be.  Start with an end in mind.  If money, or time were not a factor where and what would you like to be doing or accomplishing?
Remember for this plan to work you must incorporate your responsibility for retirement, for paying bills and taking care of yourself and your family.  To be successful in your business life you must begin in your personal life.  Put in key elements for a healthy life style and mind.  Think of yourself as a whole, balance is the key.  Mogul Robert Herjavec states “The real lesson is to live in the present.”  “The past doesn’t define you, and that goes for a healthy lifestyle as well.”
Before you start your plan look at where and what you are now then plan accordingly.  Making time first and foremost for yourself physically, mentally, and personal development has to be your number one priority.  Every one of us has 24 hours a day, invest in yourself first so you have the wherewithal to invest in others.
Think possibilities, don’t be afraid to challenge yourself.  You really don’t know what you can accomplish until you lay down plans and step over the line.

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