HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

  HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! By Bohemian Babushka Ya estamos en March- increible isn’t it? March, the month where in traditional American lore the winds are wild and winter is becoming mild. The time of year when thoughts heightened by winter hibernation are now beginning to thaw and look for expression, to…


HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

By Bohemian Babushka

Ya estamos en March- increible isn’t it? March, the month where in traditional American lore the winds are wild and winter is becoming mild. The time of year when thoughts heightened by winter hibernation are now beginning to thaw and look for expression, to escape our minds and be brought to life.  Are you ready?  What one thought, idea, wish, above all others ,returns to you time and time again?  What is important to you now? Sometimes it’ll catch you by surprise.

For Babushka it’s getting more involved in civic duty, cultural pride. BB’s marched, rallied, written and tweeted more about this in the past 6 months than in the past 6 years. And with each step, word and tweet, BB learns more about herself and the impact a voice can make.  Find your voice, be true to it.  Hopefully it’ll be ever expanding, becoming richer in tone and adding octaves of experience and knowledge to you and those around you. Quee?? Keep your voice to yourself? JU SO FONII!!!  If it’s importante to you, chances are there are others who think the same and are waiting for someone who’s singing their song. Let them hear you, they need your canto.

Connie Gomez, autora del blog Momma of Dos wrote, “Seek your message, master it and share it.” As part of LATISM we believe in this, in many different tracks that need tending to, and we believe in you.  Let the winds of March carry away distractions and doubts, and by Spring you’ll be ready to share your song. BB can’t wait to hear it.

Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.

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