Voluntarios de FPL embellecen The Arc Gateway

Voluntarios de FPL embellecen The Arc Gateway 7 de Marzo de 2025: Los voluntarios de Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) pasaron la mañana en The Arc Gateway en Pensacola. Los voluntarios limpiaron malezas y podaron el crecimiento excesivo en toda el área, colocaron mantillo, plantaron nuevos jardines y más.…

Voluntarios de FPL embellecen The Arc Gateway

7 de Marzo de 2025: Los voluntarios de Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) pasaron la mañana en The Arc Gateway en Pensacola. Los voluntarios limpiaron malezas y podaron el crecimiento excesivo en toda el área, colocaron mantillo, plantaron nuevos jardines y más. Con la ayuda de miembros, simpatizantes y voluntarios, The Arc Gateway puede mantener sus servicios y desarrollar formas innovadoras de ayudar a los niños y adultos con discapacidades del desarrollo a alcanzar su máximo potencial. Mientras FPL celebra su centenario este año, el programa Power to Care refuerza el compromiso de larga data de la empresa de impulsar comunidades fuertes que hagan de Florida un lugar aún mejor para vivir, trabajar y criar una familia. Este año, la semana Power to Care de FPL consta de casi 30 proyectos liderados por cientos de empleados en toda Florida.

A woman in a green t-shirt and hat holds two rakes and a plastic bottle, actively contributing to the Beautify initiative. In the background, FPL Volunteers in similar green attire help clean up litter near a building and playground area in the park.
On March 7, 2025, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) volunteer Heather Madison spent the morning at The Arc Gateway in Pensacola. Volunteers cleaned weed & trim overgrowth throughout the area, laid down mulch, planted new landscaping and more. With the help of members, supporters and volunteers, The Arc Gateway is able to sustain its services and develop innovative ways to help children and adults with developmental disabilities reach their full potential. As FPL celebrates its centennial this year, the Power to Care program reinforces the company’s long-standing commitment to powering strong communities making Florida an even better place to live, work and raise a family. This year, FPL’s Power to Care week consists of nearly 30 projects led by hundreds of employees across Florida.
A group of FPL Volunteers wearing green shirts and gloves works together to beautify the playground area at The Arc Gateway. Some use rakes and shovels to spread mulch, while a large blue slide stands in the background alongside trees and a building.
On March 7, 2025, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) volunteers spent the morning at The Arc Gateway in Pensacola. Volunteers cleaned weed & trim overgrowth throughout the area, laid down mulch, planted new landscaping and more. With the help of members, supporters and volunteers, The Arc Gateway is able to sustain its services and develop innovative ways to help children and adults with developmental disabilities reach their full potential. As FPL celebrates its centennial this year, the Power to Care program reinforces the company’s long-standing commitment to powering strong communities making Florida an even better place to live, work and raise a family. This year, FPL’s Power to Care week consists of nearly 30 projects led by hundreds of employees across Florida.
A group of people in green shirts, including FPL Volunteers, pose under a blue canopy at a playground. They're holding a blue banner promoting community support and The Arc Gateway. Some playground equipment can be seen in the background, enhancing the scene's charm.
On March 7, 2025, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) volunteers spent the morning at The Arc Gateway in Pensacola. Volunteers cleaned weed & trim overgrowth throughout the area, laid down mulch, planted new landscaping and more. With the help of members, supporters and volunteers, The Arc Gateway is able to sustain its services and develop innovative ways to help children and adults with developmental disabilities reach their full potential. As FPL celebrates its centennial this year, the Power to Care program reinforces the company’s long-standing commitment to powering strong communities making Florida an even better place to live, work and raise a family. This year, FPL’s Power to Care week consists of nearly 30 projects led by hundreds of employees across Florida.
Two people stand in a playground under a blue sunshade, part of an FPL Volunteers' effort to beautify the space. The person on the left is speaking, wearing a gray sweater and jeans. The person on the right wears a green shirt and cap, smiling with hands clasped. Playground equipment is visible in the background.
On March 7, 2025, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) volunteer David Peaden (right) listens as MaryAnn Bickerstaff (left), Director of Children’s Services for The Arc Gateway in Pensacola, provides an overview of the services offered at the Pearl Nelson Center. Volunteers cleaned weed & trim overgrowth throughout the area, laid down mulch, planted new landscaping and more. As FPL celebrates its centennial this year, the Power to Care program reinforces the company’s long-standing commitment to powering strong communities making Florida an even better place to live, work and raise a family. This year, FPL’s Power to Care week consists of nearly 30 projects led by hundreds of employees across Florida.

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