Dear December… BB 2021

By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! Es Diciembre, it’s December. Wow and Woah. Everytime when this month comes it seems to have arrived so quickly, and at the same time the realization of another year passed hits us.  Another year, another memento, yet this one is not quite like most.  It…

By Bohemian Babushka

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

Es Diciembre, it’s December. Wow and Woah. Everytime when this month comes it seems to have arrived so quickly, and at the same time the realization of another year passed hits us.  Another year, another memento, yet this one is not quite like most.  It is indeed a time for reflection and hopefully realization.

For her part, Babushka’s life after Covid has had its awakenings and advantages.  First of all, it hit home how precious la vida is. Precious and precarious life is. While in the deadly fog, BB prayed for another day, another chance to see loved ones. Thankfully she did. Also en vivo, full force, was the promise to self to not hold back, to go full gusto for things wanted. Ahora, when BB says “things”, she doesn’t mean material (although a real concrete house, not a falling apart trailer would be nice), she means aspirations and inner desires.There are people and places to visit, time to share the passions and knowings in the soul.  So back to ridesharing, raising dinero and los espiritos of passengers. Si, each day at 6 am it’s off to a new adventure, each ride a chance to share a smile, a laugh, or just good vibes. Everyone needs algo diferente. For some, the candy offered helps. Quee? BB not offer her riders some grandmotherly love?? JU SO FONII!! It’s a token of life’s sweetness y dulsura, a simbolo of noticing them, a moment of surprise pleasure, simple but smile producing. Sometimes an encouraging word, a reminder that waking up each morning is a blessing of itself is what’s needed. What do you need Beautifuls?

“As the year comes to a close, iit is a time for reflection-a time to release old thoughts and beliefs and forgive old hurts.  Whatever has happened in the past year, the New Year brings fresh beginnings.  Exciting new experiences and relationships await.  Let us be thankful for the blessings of the past and the promise of the future.” ~Peggy Toney Horton

Be thankful Beautifuls, know you are Blessed and Loved.

May your realizations and hopes bring you paz and knowing.

Babushka Besos a Todos.  Cuidensen.

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