Cultivate Appreciation

By Pamela Di Pascuale / Life Coach / @pamdipascuale Cultivating gratitude on a daily basis, gives us free rein to our positive vibrations and puts a filter through which we can better look at the world, to raise our level of consciousness and strengthen the spirit. When you find yourself…

By Pamela Di Pascuale / Life Coach / @pamdipascuale

Cultivating gratitude on a daily basis, gives us free rein to our positive vibrations and puts a filter through which we can better look at the world, to raise our level of consciousness and strengthen the spirit.

When you find yourself rambling in negative thoughts, use that moment to jump-start and create a mental list of 20 things you are grateful for.

This filter allows us to see the good things in reality and opens our minds to all the possibilities. This does not mean that life is perfect or that there are no problems or difficulties. It means that we are capable of highlighting the good. The key is to pause, observe, and thank before moving on.

Be yourself, be genuine, we are in the best moment to go within and connect with our being, with our essence, the peace and tranquility that is generated by being well, and from there expand ourselves to find a better way out of everything. It happens to us, and for that we must be honest about what it is that we must discover and recognize in ourselves. About us? What are our wishes? What are we passionate about? Why do I do what I do? Everything that happens in our inner world moment by moment to make sense of this new reality.

Gratitude is the attitude of happiness.

Live your present more, live the moment and thank it!

Happy start of the month of January!!

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