
“Variedad: su fuente de temas diversos, desde arte hasta tecnología, que refleja nuestra comunidad hispana bilingüe en el Panhandle de Florida, desde Mobile hasta Tallahassee”.

Billy Graham

“Un buen padre es uno de los valores más olvidados,desconocidos, y, sin embargo, uno de los más valiososde nuestra sociedad”. “A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised,unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets inour society.”—…

Deborah Desilets

Come in Houston: The Mosaics have Landed! By Deborah DeSilets In a city, not to far away, in another building for a by-gone era, there was an artist who drew and placed mosaics one by one upon curving walls to…

2nd Annual Micro Theater Festival By Alejandra Gutierrez Following the success of its 1st  Micro Theater Festival in July 2018, Tallahassee Hispanic Theater will  be presenting the Second Annual Micro Theater Festival this Summer on June 21-22, at 7:30pm at…

Es Junio, the month we honor Dads. Very deserving of honor por supesto, pero Babushka would like to take this month to honor all our antepasados, all our ancestors. To remember their impact on our lives, the moments of wisdom…

Source:  Florida Department of State Press Release, February 25, 2019 TALLAHASSEE— Secretary of State Laurel M. Lee announced today that the Florida Department of State is seeking applications for the 2019-2020 Florida Folklife Apprenticeship Program. Expert practitioners of traditional art…

Deborah Desilets

Whether you call it worm charming, worm grunting, worm fiddling or by any other local name the results are the same: attracting earthworms from the ground.

Hola Hola Hola Beautifuls! By Bohemian Babushka Here’s an old song by Al Jolson that BB finds perfecto. APRIL SHOWERS- Life is not a highway strewn with flowers Still it holds a goodly share of bliss When the sun gives way…