June, The Month of LOVE
June, The Month of LOVE By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! June is the month of Love. Quee?? You thought that the month of Love was February? JU SO FONII!! Think about it. First, we have Father’s Day. Naturalmente there’s amor…
Por: Nelsi Rossi http://sanidadespiritual.com/ He aquí, yo estoy a la puerta y llamo; si alguno oye mi voz y abre la puerta, entraré a él, y cenaré con él, y él conmigo. (Apocalipsis 3:20) Amado Dios, ¡Gracias por dar aviso!…
Barbara Corcoran
“The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend time feeling sorry for themselves.” Barbara Corcoran “La diferencia entre las personas exitosas y los demás es el tiempo que pasan sintiéndose mal por sí mismos”.
Which came first?
By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! It’s May, the month most think of Mothers, because in the US, Mother’s Day is celebrated the second Sunday of the month. Now BB asks, rephrasing the famous “Which came first, the chicken or the…
When your loved one is dealing with depression
By Sheryl Boldt Your loved one or friend suffers from chronic depression, and you’d do anything for them. But sometimes you wonder if you’re doing more harm than good. Besides feeling as if almost everything you say ends up being…
Nick Vujicic
“I’m officially disabled, but I’m truly enabled because of my lack of limbs. My unique challenges have opened up unique opportunities to reach so many in need.” – Nick Vujicic, https://lifewithoutlimbs.org/
¡Mañana el Señor hará Maravillas!
Por: Nelsi Rossi https://sanidadespiritual.com/ Y Josué dijo al pueblo: Santificaos, porque el SEÑOR hará mañana maravillas entre vosotros. (Josué 3:5) Aquí se escucha la voz de un líder dando instrucción al pueblo. Pero no es una voz dando órdenes solo por cumplir un…