Por: Nelsi Rossi El que halla su vida, la perderá; y el que pierde su vida por causa de mí, la hallará. (Mateo 10:39) No es nada ilógico que para hallar algo sea necesario haberlo perdido. Así sucede tanto…
Christopher Reeve
Christopher Reeve "A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."Christopher Reeve
Mary Kay Ash
Mary Kay Ash "Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly. But the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway."Mary Kay Ash
April is for Spring & Salud
By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! April, Spring and Salud are al frente. Especialmente since Abril has been named “National Minority Health Month”, and though better, the casos de COVID are still putting everyone at risk. Why highlight minorities now? Unfortunately…
MAGICAL MEMORIES: The Clean Machine, The Marlin and Barbara Hulanicki on Miami Beach
MAGICAL MEMORIES: The Clean Machine, The Marlin and Barbara Hulanicki on Miami Beach By Deborah DeSilets Yes, the Marlin Hotel on Miami Beach at 12th Street means a lot to me. And the Clean Machine, the place that handled all…
Is God disappointed with you? (An Easter Message)
By Sheryl Boldt Do you ever wonder if God grows weary with your constant mess-ups? Perhaps you’re so discouraged because of a recent relapse into sinful behavior that you’ve avoided reading your Bible and praying. A few of you may…
Cuida tu Corazón
Por: Nelsi Rossi Si en mi corazón hubiese yo mirado a la iniquidad, el Señor no me habría escuchado. Más ciertamente me escuchó Dios; atendió a la voz de mi súplica. (Salmos 66:18-19) ¿Desde dónde se mira a la…