Taming the Tongue
Taming the Tongue By David Triana “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.” James 3,…
All You Need is Love
All You Need is Love By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! It’s February, el mes del Amor. Babushka’s title is in homage to the Beatles classic song, All You Need is Love. Not only is the song a classic, but the…
DIANNE WILLIAMS-COX – Candidate, Florida House of Representatives District 8
DIANNE WILLIAMS-COX – Candidate, Florida House of Representatives District 8 Dianne Williams-Cox is ready to serve as your District 8 Representative! She ran a robust campaign in the 2014 election cycle while running against the three-term incumbent. In the 2016…
2016: Reyes, Rights y Risas
2016: Reyes, Rights y Risas Por Bohemian Babushka What’s your wish and dream for 2016? It’s the comienzo of a new year, and the future looks bright, if we choose it to be. When Babushka thinks of future, she has…
2016 Elections and Hispanic Voters…It is all about the Math!
2016 Elections and Hispanic Voters…It is all about the Math! By David Triana This column is my personal observation and opinions on this issue. At the end of it, I am including actual figures and analysis from a bi-partisan poll…
A Fiesta for 1,000!
A Fiesta for 1,000! "Life's most persistent and urgent question is - What are you doing for others?" Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The words of a great man, MLK Jr., are words that everyone should be asking themselves. As…
December 2015 Editorial
¡Ya llego la Navidad! Christmas is here! One year ago we launched Conexión and I know for a fact it has had a big impact in our area. My good friend and co-founder of Conexión and I, started this one…