Editorial April 2016
We hope everyone is doing great! I recently went and watched an outstanding movie. It is called “Miracles from Heaven” and it start Jennifer Garner and a wonderful cast that includes Eugenio Derbez. It is a beautiful movie based on…
Editorial March 2016
Greetings to everyone and we hope it is so far a great 2016. We have been very busy at Conexión and we got some wonderful plans for the remainder of the year. In this edition, we are including information about…
A Fiesta for 1,000!
A Fiesta for 1,000! "Life's most persistent and urgent question is - What are you doing for others?" Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The words of a great man, MLK Jr., are words that everyone should be asking themselves. As…
December 2015 Editorial
¡Ya llego la Navidad! Christmas is here! One year ago we launched Conexión and I know for a fact it has had a big impact in our area. My good friend and co-founder of Conexión and I, started this one…
Hispanic Americans: “Energizing Our Nation’s Diversity”
Hispanic Americans: “Energizing Our Nation’s Diversity" By David Triana Each year, the period of September 15 – October 15 is used to recognize the contributions made and the important presence of Hispanic Americans to the United States, while also…
Hola Tio Sam and Felicidades on your 239th birthday!
Hola Tio Sam and Felicidades on your 239th birthday! by Bohemian Babushka https://www.facebook.com/BBabushka The stories you can tell are numerous and so far reaching that it boggles the mind and spirit; the amount of people you’ve taken into your home!!…