Blog Invitado

“Blogs invitados: diversas voces del Panhandle de Florida comparten ideas sobre política, cultura y más”.

Hay dos major events that happen in Noviembre this year. El primero, Thanksgiving, Día de Acción de Gracias, is about being thankful, grateful, and feeling blessed. Ahora, eso si, aunque we should feel los tres, you realize there is a…

Tables crowded with papers and books, scrunched up receipts and random notes waiting to be sorted through? Extra storage boxes and disorganized drawers filled with little stuff that you just cannot seem to let go of? Clothes purchased years ago…

By Juanita Quiñones Gándara  My name is Juanita and I am proud to say that I was born in Juarez Chihuahua, Mexico and raised in El Paso, Tx!  I consider myself one of the lucky ones.  I thank my parents for the…

peggy brockman

By Peggy Brockman Nationally, suicide is the second leading cause of death in ages 10 to 34.  This is the same with the Hispanic/Latina population of this age.  Reports from over the last few years show that suicide attempts in Hispanic girls…

By Flavia Mosci Do not confuse dreams with goals; there is a S.M.A.R.T way to materialize your aspirations. Often when we ask someone what their life’s goals are, they passionately describe their dreams; they talk about their hopes and wishes.…

By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!  As Babushka shared in last month’s edicion,  AMENDMENT XV -Passed by Congress 26 February 1869; Ratified 3 February 1870  The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by…

Deborah Desilets

By Deborah Desilets It normally is a difficult time in our household to vote; yet it feels even more so this year as we can barely all sit at the dinner table and enjoy a meal.  Saddling up to vote…