Marcando la Diferencia

Marcando la Diferencia – “Impulsando el cambio en el Panhandle de Florida. Celebrando los esfuerzos hispanos bilingües desde Mobile hasta Tallahassee. ¡Únase a nosotros para marcar la diferencia!”

Volunteer Donates Back to School Supplies to CIC Kids Source:  Children in Crisis Press Release Lindsay Simmons and her daughter Holly helped the kids living at Children in Crisis by donating needed school items typically not available to the CIC Kids.  Thanks…

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, and it is preventable Source:  American Foundation of Suicide Prevention - Florida Panhandle Chapter The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is dedicated to saving lives and bringing…

By David Triana This past July 20th, the Santa Rosa Mall held its annual “Christmas in July” event at their center court.  It was a wonderful activity with vendors and Christmas music and everyone that attended enjoyed themselves.  As part…

UNITY in the CommUNITY – 14th Annual Unity Walk Weekend Source:  Antwain Conner, Vice President, Kingdom Covenant Connections, Inc. The Concert & Health Fair is Family friendly and everyone is invited to help promote UNITY.  Over the years, the event…

Source: Nora’s story began with war, separation, heartbreak and immigration, and transformed into a life of public service and contribution and loyalty to her new homeland the United States of America. With limited funds, but endless determination, Nora founded…

Francisco Cofré survived one such shooting ten years ago in the United States. In that shooting his girlfriend, Racine Balbontín, died; and he was seriously wounded. They were there through a Working Holiday program. Now he tells how he built…

A special Christmas! There is a Santa! He creates a Special Christmas. I know because I saw and witnessed this today! His name is United for a Good Cause and Conexión Media Group. Every year United for a Good Cause…