Coronavirus perspective
This last year everybody was affected by the pandemic. Coronavirus began in China and spread around the world like wildfire. Like many other pandemics since the beginning of time, diseases have appeared and surprised societies and created many deaths. As…
Perspectiva del coronavirus
Perspectiva del coronavirus Este último año todos se vieron afectados por la pandemia. El coronavirus comenzó en China y se extendió por todo el mundo como la pólvora. Como muchas otras pandemias desde el principio de los tiempos, han aparecido…
Anosmia – pérdida del olfato
La anosmia, también conocida como ceguera por olfato, es la pérdida de la capacidad de detectar uno o más olores. La anosmia puede ser temporal o permanente. Se diferencia de la hiposmia, que es una disminución de la sensibilidad a…
When a parent gets deployed
When a parent gets deployed Continuous wars have demanded the deployment of our military all around the world. Over the past decades, our armed forces have been engaged in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Niger, Somalia, and many other…
Living Through the Coronavirus as one of the vulnerable
By Kelley Grabenstein You don’t know me. But you might care about me. I am one of the vulnerable. Vulnerable to Coronavirus. Vulnerable to getting very sick, being hospitalized, or dying. My name is Kelley, I just turned 44, and…
When a parent gets deployed
When a parent gets deployed When a parent gets deployed -Continuous wars have demanded the deployment of our military all around the world. Over the past decades, our armed forces have been engaged in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Niger,…