When a parent gets deployed
When a parent gets deployed Continuous wars have demanded the deployment of our military all around the world. Over the past decades, our armed forces have been engaged in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Niger, Somalia, and many other…
Your Future Depends on What You Do Today and Not Tomorrow
Your Future Depends on What You Do Today and Not Tomorrow By Gabriela Calvi - Epidemiologist Public Health Educator Podcaster "Good Morning Health" We're experiencing a bit of a difficult reality in the last few months, bombed with news everywhere.…
Living Through the Coronavirus as one of the vulnerable
By Kelley Grabenstein You don’t know me. But you might care about me. I am one of the vulnerable. Vulnerable to Coronavirus. Vulnerable to getting very sick, being hospitalized, or dying. My name is Kelley, I just turned 44, and…
Sistema digestivo fascinante
El sistema digestivo es la equivalencia del cuerpo con la apertura de un tanque de gas y el sistema de combustible. Hecho de un órgano en su mayoría hueco para la digestión, también incluye órganos sólidos que incluyen la vesícula…
When a parent gets deployed
When a parent gets deployed When a parent gets deployed -Continuous wars have demanded the deployment of our military all around the world. Over the past decades, our armed forces have been engaged in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Niger,…
What type of provider should I see?
What type of doctor should I see when I am sick? Most of us have a primary care provider. Primary Care providers are the gatekeepers and coordinate your care. They treat a majority of problems and refer to a specialist…
¿Tú seno se ve o se siente diferente?
Por Gabriela Calvi - Epidemióloga | Educadora en Salud Pública | Podcaster “Buenos Días Salud” “Estaba en la ducha una mañana, cuando sentí un pequeño bulto en mi pecho. Tenía miedo y estaba ocupada…” Es posible que esté leyendo este…