Breakup – First step: accepting and letting go
Breakup - First step: accepting and letting go by Flavia Mosci Regardless of whether a breakup is one-sided or mutual, it is never an easy process. In the beginning, right after the separation emotions can take you on a downward…
Coronavirus perspective
This last year everybody was affected by the pandemic. Coronavirus began in China and spread around the world like wildfire. Like many other pandemics since the beginning of time, diseases have appeared and surprised societies and created many deaths. As…
Perspectiva del coronavirus
Perspectiva del coronavirus Este último año todos se vieron afectados por la pandemia. El coronavirus comenzó en China y se extendió por todo el mundo como la pólvora. Como muchas otras pandemias desde el principio de los tiempos, han aparecido…
Prioritizing Your Mental Health This Winter
Source: Refresh Leadership Blog, November 23, 2020, Express Employment Professionals According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the second quarter of 2020, “the prevalence of symptoms of anxiety disorder was approximately three times those reported in the second…
A Special Candle Over Christmas
By Gabriela Calvi – Epidemiologist Salubrista Podcaster "Good Morning Health" What does the holiday season have that turns some events into lovely and welcoming memories that we cherish all our lives? Without a doubt, this is the season of anticipation…
Anosmia – pérdida del olfato
La anosmia, también conocida como ceguera por olfato, es la pérdida de la capacidad de detectar uno o más olores. La anosmia puede ser temporal o permanente. Se diferencia de la hiposmia, que es una disminución de la sensibilidad a…