
“Turismo: explore lo mejor del Panhandle de Florida desde Mobile hasta Tallahassee. Descubra atracciones, gemas escondidas y consejos de viaje para una experiencia inolvidable”.

Martin Owen

Let’s Talk About Tourism By Martin Owen One of the great things about being in the Tourism Industry is that you work with people who like to travel. So much so, that they often move to take up new jobs,…

Martin Owen

Let’s Talk About Tourism By Martin Owen I’m not only hooked on traveling, I’m hooked on watching travel programs on television. I’m not talking about the shows that are trying to get you to book a vacation with the sponsor,…

Martin Owen

Let’s Talk About Tourism By Martin Owen About 20 years ago, it was predicted that workplace automation, the rise of the internet, and the ability to work from nearly anywhere would lead to a massive increase in leisure time. And…

Martin Owen

Tourism in the Gulf By Martin Owen, founder of Owen Organization It is said that if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there. When it comes to attracting tourists, we want to be certain that…

Martin Owen

Tourism in the Gulf By Martin Owen Why do you go on vacation? Certainly, it is to rest and recharge your batteries. According to a multi-lingual friend of mine a phrase like “All work and no play makes Jack a…

Martin Owen

Let’s Talk About Tourism By Martin Owen, Founder, Owen Organization - www.owenorganization.com Last month we discussed how tourism developed and how it contributes to local economies. Over the past few weeks there have been some developments to tourism here on…

Martin Owen

Don’t you just love tourists? Well, we probably should as not only do they provide income directly for many of us here along the northern Gulf Coast, but also contribute a huge amount in taxes to our areas. More than…