
“Entretenmiento: manténgase actualizado sobre lo último en películas, música y eventos en Florida Panhandle. Descubra lo que está de moda desde Mobile hasta Tallahassee”.

Martin Owen

By Martin Owen It would be wonderful if I could give you the latest updates on local and world tourism, but things move so quickly these days that there may well have been changes by the time I get to…

By Flavia Mosci, M.S in Counseling Psychology “I open my mouth with wisdom. The law of kindness is on my tongue”; this is the ending line of Day 16th’s affirmation from this incredible paper back. This small yet powerful book…

Martin Owen

By Martin Owen What does a committed and passionate traveler do when they can’t travel? Well, as I’ve admitted in previous editions of Conexión you plan your next trips of course.  In my case you also look back on past expeditions…

Carlinha Carioca (CT) As we all adjusted to shelter in place orders across the nation, we all also adjusted to the way we acquire our food. Some of us that were able supported our local restaurants that were offering safe…

Martin Owen

By Martin Owen Last month I was suggesting that we should spend our time in isolation planning our future trips.  I stand by that as planning is as much of the journey as the trip itself.  Of course, it’s also…

By Nick Smith Sandra Cisneros has been a feted author since her first book, The House on Mango Street, debuted in 1984. The skinny novella, just over a hundred pages, has sold over six million copies and is being adapted…

By Carlinha Carioca (CT) My name is Carla better known as "Carlinha Carioca" and I’ve lived in the U.S.A. for more than 20 years.  Destin is my 3rd city and have been here for about seven months. This is my…