Can we really not miss what we’ve never had?

Can we really not miss what we’ve never had? By Sylvia Vazquez, Ambassador Plexus Worldwide, There’s an old saying “You can’t miss what you never had”.  How do you know you’re missing something in your health life if you’re not experiencing any pain or discomfort? Your body and specifically…

Can we really not miss what we’ve never had?

By Sylvia Vazquez, Ambassador Plexus Worldwide,

There’s an old saying “You can’t miss what you never had”.  How do you know you’re missing something in your health life if you’re not experiencing any pain or discomfort? Your body and specifically your GUT, is like your brain. What you put into it is what you will get out of it.

Did you know that when you stimulate the brain positive changes take place? Nervous impulses “synapses” pass from one neuron to another which in turn make the “dendrites” in the brain thicker. Dendrites help the brain compute incoming stimuli. This causes the neurotransmitters to get into the act and transfer an impulse to a nerve fiber, muscle or some other structure in the body. More Brain Maps are created which cause more oxygen and blood flow to the brain. All of this causes better focus and the ability to concentrate. Therefore, if your brain is not stimulated it will be stagnant in its ability to grow and develop.

By the same token if you don’t get the proper nutrition into your body it will be stagnant. Everything from your age, diet, stress levels and even your gut bacteria can affect the amount of vitamins and minerals that your body actually absorbs. It’s true that integrating healthy foods into your diet on a regular basis can give you great benefits but only if your body is properly absorbing these foods.

The only way the body can properly absorb all the nutrients that you are putting into it is through a healthy GUT. You can look like the picture of health on the outside, eating all the right things, going to the gym and working out but your GUT may be in a mess.  The human digestive tract contains over one million nerve cells, about the same number found in the spinal cord. The same neurotransmitters that are found in the brain (dopamine and serotonin to name a few) are also found in the GUT. This is the reason so many researchers are now calling the GUT the body’s second brain. Without proper GUT health, the body can’t absorb the nutrients needed for these neurotransmitters to work properly which can cause a host of issues.

A proper diet along with a good Probiotic can go a long way in improving GUT health. If you are not taking a Probiotic or even if you are, consider looking at the Plexus ProBio5. Plexus ProBio5 along with our full line of All-Natural, Plant-Based products are Diabetic and Vegan friendly as well as Gluten-free. If you don’t take care of your body where are you going to live?

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