Are You Making a Bad Phone Impression? Seven Steps to Correct It!

Are You Making a Bad Phone Impression? Seven Steps to Correct It! By Peggy Brockman   Sometimes the first impression people have of your business is when they call you.  What impression are your employees leaving?  I can tell, I have decided NOT to do business with some companies just…

Are You Making a Bad Phone Impression? Seven Steps to Correct It!

By Peggy Brockman


impression_badSometimes the first impression people have of your business is when they call you.  What impression are your employees leaving?  I can tell, I have decided NOT to do business with some companies just because I felt the person answering their phone was so RUDE or unpleasant. Here are eight steps to a great first impression by phone:

  1. SMILE before you pick up that phone!! People can hear the smile or frown in your voice. And SLOW DOWN if you talk fast or are in a hurry!  Enunciate clearly & slowly.
  2. WELCOME callers – “Good morning/afternoon/evening” “ We’re having a great day at…”
  3. IDENTIFY yourself (and your department where appropriate) – “Brockman Enterprises, This is Peggy” OR “This is Sue in Shipping”
  4. ASSIST – How may I help you? What can I assist you with today?
  5. WHEN TRANSFERRING: “Let me transfer you to Finance I believe they can help you!”  OR “I’ll be happy to transfer you to Purchasing.”  OR  “Stacy is the person you need to speak with… Let me transfer you to the Jewelry Department.”
  6. ASK PERMISSION to put them on hold – “May I put you on hold?”  If it is more than 30 -45 seconds go back to them and ask  “Would you like to continue holding or may I take a message?”
  7. CLOSE with a smile – Thank you for calling! OR “Have a nice day Ms. Smith!” OR  “Make it a great rest of the day!”

Other Reminders:

  1. NEVER say “I don’t know”. Instead, use “Let me find out” or “That’s a great question, let me check on that.”
  2. ASK FOR THEIR NAME: People love to hear their name.  When appropriate, ask for their name so you can refer to them by name.
  3. BE PLEASANT – Always make sure the person you have answering your phone is a pleasant person or has a pleasant voice. Don’t let the old grump answer the phone!


**Peggy is the author of “10 Feet From the Edge: Stuck in the Comfort Zone” available on Amazon.  It will be released in Spanish later this year.  She is a John Maxwell Team motivational speaker, corporate trainer and life and business coach.  Connect with her at or by phone at 850-259-8356.

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